Get to know us

We started our Business by Advertising Local businesses located around Sydney, Building a page of 'their business on our wide range or top pages & local business Directory’s.

Australian GG is Founded my Dylan,

I'm a Entrepreneur born in Sydney, I've always had a passion for technology & creating my first websites in Year 7, these included Unblocked Gaming websites :) for students to play during times we should be writting boring essays.

Then Creating a clothing brand, It didn't really go anywhere as I didn't have money behind me to order samples & to choose the right quality.

In my later years in High school we had to assessment to do & I decided to present mine through a website which updated weekly posting content teaching people how to stay safe online & other informations

Fast Forward Year 11-12 (2021-2022), I worked on websites to provide support to people struggling with their mental health. I am passionate about helping people & having a strong heart, I have been fortunate enough this year (2023) to build 2 partnerships with 2 different gyms providing special deals & generous discounts on Gym memberships for my Business Gamble Responsible.

Continuing on from Gamble Responsible:

I created Gamble Responsible, to help provide people with helplines lines, easy access to self exclusion & more.

All of this is out of my passion in helping people & funding everything myself, Then I started a couple Brands underneath Gamble Responsible such as;

AusFitness, SydFitness & AusRush. Where I have a Clothing brands & all money is to re invest into Gamble Responsible to help more people!

Throughout all of this, I have been working across, 50 other websites I own.. 50 I know thats a lot!

Very time consuming & up until 4-5am each night, Before Australian GG my main focus was building up some great websites, & (Sydney Businesses) where I have added some businesses over time.

I get thousands of weekly views & then I purchased some premium domains that come with great benefits being short, simple or popular. The couple provided arnt all of them but:, Australian.Marketing, & these have been great bringing in thousands of new customers to multiple businesses.

What do you get with our Ultimate package?

I have recently (December 2023) been able to Provide our clients with better services!

What we do already brings thousands of views (organically) - This is what we are great finding you organic customers so no ads!

I have been able to work with 2 other professionals with decades of experience & working with big companies!

  • Tom Specializes in 3D Animation, Creating some of the best & High quality animations for your Brands & products.

  • Zac Creates the best graphics designs, Finding you customers ready to buy your products, Social Media Marketing & Campaigns, AI Automation - Creating Chat bots specifically for your websites & needs, Web Design & more!

  • Australian GG will create you premium ads across every social media platform.

  • The Use of Funnels, Connecting ready to buy customers straight to you!

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting